I'm running in the park this morning, as usual.
At one point I hear the sound of few ambulances getting closer. This reminded me of Chicago where you couldn't be outside for more than 5 min without hearing the firetruck or an ambulance going somewhere. Probably like most people I'm kind of sensitive to this sound which indicates a tragedy of some sort unfolding somewhere.
Few minutes later two firetrucks, one ambulance and few police cars stop right in front of the park. Great. Nobody seems to be in a hurry, the sirens are on, police get out of their cars, so do the firemen. After a while two men with uniforms that say 'Bomberos" on the back got a big and heavy object from one of the trucks and start carrying it into the park. The object is covered with a large bag, so naturally I can't see what it is. All the people in the park stopped to observe the scene...

The uniformed men (with big "Bomberos" letters on the back) and their police escort slowly make their way to the kid's playground. What the hell is going on and why they allow us to just watch it..? Are they planning to blow up the whole park??? With all the people in it?????
They stoped at the kids' playground, put the big object on the ground and took the cover off it.
It was a big red fire hydrant...
As we all watch what's next, one of the officers takes out a big electronic device with an antenna from his pocket and turns it on... The hydrant starts moving... it has small wheels underneath and to the amusement of the kids -
After 15 min or so the whole entourage carries the TOY back to the truck, all police escort get back into their cars and with the sirens on they are off. I remain in the park for a while with a kind of dumb look on my face. Then I start running again, as usual.

P.S. "Bomberos" means "Fire Department" in Spanish.
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